Community Updates! (BIG PARTY)

9 min readMar 10, 2021


The dev team hopes you’re well!!! We have a lot to cover today so let’s get to it!


A Week of Community Events to Celebrate Gen 2

WE ARE UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED FOR YOU ALL TO EXPERIENCE GENERATION 2, AND ENDLESSLY GRATEFUL FOR OUR INCREDIBLE COMMUNITY! As such, we’ve thrown together some events we know you will LOVE leading up to the big release. From cozy movie nights to rambunctious conversations with our handsome developers, leading all the way up to a Massive Meowth prize-pool creative contest and digital arts showcase?! THIS WILL BE A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

More details will follow in another medium dedicated entirely to this event, but we couldn’t wait to give you a look at all the fun we’re going to have!


Community watch-together — at 8 AM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) March 11th

To kick off the countdown we will gather on a Watch2Gether server (Link to be posted on twitter, Reddit, Biz, and Telegram when it begins). Please submit suggestions of what you would like to watch through this form here- the dev team will decide from your feedback! With Watch2Gether’s integrated chat this is sure to be a cozy and hilarious time with your best crypto frens.

Dev Team Video AMA — 11 PM Coordinated Universal Time* (UTC) March 11th

Developers will be in the Telegram chat answering questions via video bubble and/or voice channel. Bring some juicy questions, and get ready for some laughs while learning about the future of our project. *Subject to change based on dev availability, stay tuned!

Community Pokemon Showdown Tournament — A community tournament on the in-browser Pokemon Battle Simulator “Pokemon Showdown” will be happening on March 13th, time details, sign ups, and more to follow!

Wynaut Project Merch Auctions — Bid your Wynaut and Meowth and cross your fingers to win bespoke clothing based on our Generation 1 and 2 tokens and community. Garments hand-drawn and dyed in Los Angeles, in very limited supply. Auctions happening daily throughout the event, details to follow in the Generation Celebration medium!

International Cheese Photography Contest — Our mutual love of cheese has kept our community together during the darkest times. We want you to flex your creative muscles capturing the essence of our favorite fromage. Submit your portrait-style artwork/photography of cheese for a chance to get included on a set of international cheese-based NFTeese. Entries will be due March 12th (time and more details TBA).

Community Art Contest — We know we have the most talented community in Crypto and want to honor that. So we’ve prepared a MASSIVE competition with MASSIVE MEOWTH in prizes. Make any kind of content, art, expression, etc. related to Meownaut, Gen 2, and/or our project/community and you’ll have a chance to win HUGE! Entries are due on March 15th. Further details to follow!

Y Not Concert and Community Digital Arts Showcase — What’s the point of a community art contest without a celebratory gala? Featuring your favorite Crypto MC as MC, we will be hosting a community digital arts showcase on the 15th to celebrate Generation 2’s release!

Papa Moose’s MEGA TRIVIA BONANZA — Moose has a trivia treat that’s far from trivial happening this week! Bring your thinking caps and get ready for a challenging competition and absolute blast! Date and information TBA

Dev Team Quiplash — See if the dev team actually has jokes, we will stream a quiplash game to the community! Date and information TBA

Like any major event these dates and times are subject to change. More details including a calendar will come VERY SOON, so keep an eye on our usual information channels and get those creative gears turning in the meantime!


Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Today and every day we celebrate the women in our lives that we laugh with, cry with, and ultimately make us who we are.

We on the dev team recognize that in the cryptosphere (+ investment communities in general) are spaces that historically and to this day excludes women through structural, implicit, and explicit mechanisms. We are always striving to achieve a community in which everyone feels comfortable and safe to discuss what’s in their heart and learn about one another.

Our project belongs to our community. That means we accept folks from every walk of life. You have a place here no matter your gender, race, nationality, creed, etc. Take some time to show the Women in your life how much you appreciate them! We on the dev team know we could not do the work we do without everything our Mentors, Moms, Grandmas, Sisters, Friends, and Partners do to love us, support us, and help us grow.

People in our community come in all shapes and sizes!

Community Spotlight

Today we would like to highlight two of our most talented and committed community members: Nodensclature and Mathijs

Get it? Pancake swap?

An honestly virtuous dude, Nodensclature is as versatile as he is dedicated to the success of those he loves. Somewhere between The Thinker and the artist that sculpted it, I am personally confident that Nodesnclature is on track to win a Nobel Prize. A natural linguist, he’s been fielding community questions better than a Meowth farmer tenderly planting their kitties. He created one of the first FAQs, and can be seen in many corners of the internet waxing eloquent about his favorite pokemon coin.

He’s been part of an interior core of community figures and craftsmen doing digital design. I can’t say too much about what he’s done until we talk more about Generation 2 NFTs, but every single day he surpasses my ever-increasing expectations with his 3D rendering skills (My jaw has dropped at least 4 times opening his Telegram attachments). He is also one of the dev team’s closest community consultants and confidants. He is always suggesting mechanisms and ideas we can implement to build trust factor and organic community growth. If you see him around, thank him for his undying commitment to our success and the work he does for our project! What a shining example.

An extra dimension of posable-adorable

“Seeing the dev team and community work together to dig themselves out of the hole that bnbendgame dug us all into really inspired me. After seeing others work to recover from what happened, it made me want to contribute too. So I contributed in whatever ways I knew how. Whether it was just the odd idea, or help with some design work. I felt that sitting around complaining about lost value wasn’t going to actually help anything, so I put myself to work to help increase the value of my own volition. The devs and the community aren’t alone, and I’m proud to be here and to have helped and been helped by so many creative people that just won’t quit. I hope to see all of you, and some new faces on the other end of this jump to Gen 2!


You know Mathijs’ work even if you don’t know him. He has been doing graphic design, video creation, and of course- our INCREDIBLE STICKERS. He is such a clever and quick craftsman and an attentive community member. He braved the muddy trenches of /biz/ to create threads for us when nobody else would. If you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing his priceless humor live in our telegram chat, you’ve definitely seen his magical ability to turn our community’s jokes into digital hieroglyphics. TO THE CHEESE! Mathijs’ charisma bleeds into his work, making every character endearing. I can also say I’ve seen Mathijs’ face and he is DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS, really quite handsome so I guess he just has it all.

His marketing materials are FLAWLESS

An all-around skilled Graphic Designer, this Dutch Jack-of-All-Trades specializes in Advert design, animated stickers, and meme making. The 32 year old creative is extremely nostalgic about 90s cartoons and has a deep love of 80/90s movies and music. His favorite movie is groundhog day and he loves sarcasm. From time to time he appreciates channeling his bottomless work ethic into grinding games like Valheim, Rust, Pokemon Red. His favorite game from youth was Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 Secret Files. Mathijs is “here for the long term to hype the Community.” His favourite food is a ‘frikandel speciaal’

I see the big picture of what Meownaut and this community can be, I love the hilarity about us. Don’t be afraid to be funny.

Community Safety PSA!

A telegram user known only by the alias “Scam Likely” has been impersonating members of our development team and asking community members for funds in private messages. NOBODY ON OUR DEVELOPMENT TEAM WILL EVER ASK YOU FOR MONEY, WE DOING FINE ON OUR OWN. Please do your due-diligence when you receive a suspicious message; look at the person’s username and bio, chat history, and group memberships.


We have noticed a trend of scams imitating our project and targeting our community members. Do not purchase any of “our tokens” through exchanges not mentioned on our Meownaut.Money and sites (right now anywhere other than our pancakeswap). The generation 2 token Meownaut is not currently available and will not be available until around the 15th of March (details to follow shortly). I guess this is part of the growing pains now that people finally recognize the legitimacy and long term potential of our project.

I guess we’re just too cool and now everyone wants to be like us
Is this a coingecko?

Coingecko Listings

Both of our Generation 1 Tokens (Meowth and Wynaut) are now available on Coingecko! We are incredibly humbled and honored to have achieved this landmark against all odds. We could not have done it without the community and have been deeply appreciating the influx of attention and utility the listing has brought! We love you geckos!

With our combined power, NOBODY CAN STOP US!

Generation 2 News coming SOON

Here’s the last update with a lot of important info

We noticed after all of the information we published in the MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT that a few unsavory folks wanted to steal our community’s proprietary ideas, effort, and capitalize on our success through scams! Because of this, we’re going to play our cards close to our chest on Gen 2 until the exchange date draws nearer. Do not worry! You will have ample time to learn about, understand, and prepare for Generation 2 before the exchange happens! Until then, kick back and enjoy the company of your fellow Meownauts ::)

We love you all

Thank you for being unapologetically yourselves, and for believing in us and one another

-Dev Team




Written by MetacosmiX

*Rebrand to MetacosmiX deployed!* Home of the best community in crypto. Join the fun at

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