Extreme Speed is LIVE!
Woah? What was that? We’re too fast for you?
That’s because Meowth used Extreme Speed, and it was Super Effective!
All farms and pools on Wynautdefi.app are x10 APY for the next 7 days! (Wynautdefi.app is our new domain by the way, save it and tell a friend)
That being said, the development team is keeping a close eye on market activity to protect the sustainability of your coins. If need be, the MAX SPEED may be slowed, so there is no better time to farm than now! The team is aware that the current APY calculation is still showing the old figures — this is being worked on, but for now check your rewards and you will see 10x — Extreme Speed is definitely LIVE!
Wynaut’s reflect mechanism and deflationary nature was not affected by this update, but that didn’t stop our transactions from accelerating! Since Extreme Speed began, we have burned over 500 thousand Wynaut! We are seeing a glorious return to form from all of you, and couldn’t be more grateful
Enjoy the next week of increased yields, Wynaut Community, because we have BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS coming soon.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Wynaut Dev Team