Farewell PokeMoon
Rebrand update, source handles, and links
Fellow Meownauts and Kobandits, well, you’ve done it — we’ve done it. We’ve cleared the atmosphere and broken out into space.
The Metaverse is our oyster.
The next order of business is to share our official handles and sites. Please be absolutely sure that you’re using the correct social media handles and web links when you’re communicating with us because, as you well know, space pirates abound! We will generally not contact you directly. If you hear from someone that’s claiming to be from our team, double check the source immediately.
Here are our official links for the MetacosmiX website, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Medium and Tik Tok. Save them. Cherish them.
Last weekend we kicked off a celebrational rebrand raffle of $MNT, $KBN, and booster packs — did you participate? The raffle is open to all for a very limited time. Get your mf raffle on, fam. You can enter the raffle here. It will be open until TCG release just like the other KBN-LP-raffle that is still very much active too:
https://metacosmix.medium.com/our-largest-raffle-ever-kbn-50-000-688eb4d9c5b1 .
So enter both of them and have double chances to win big prizes, you better not miss out and enter both raffles!
Also, uhm, did y’all hear Coin Gecko’s updated our listings? A big thank you to the folks at GC, and to our community for helping raise the issue. Our next “stop” is Coin Market Cap.
Going forward, all communications will occur through officially rebranded MetacosmiX channels. What a ride! What a year of incredible storylines, laughs, gaffs, friendships, and art.
And yet, this is only the beginning.
Farewell PokeMoon.
Team Meownaut and Team Kobandit