Summertime Gladness

3 min readJul 4, 2022


Updates from Q2

Sigh, it feels like we’re the only ones left …

The good news is we’re still here, we love you, and we’re not going anywhere. The last couple of months have only strengthened our resolve. They’ve forced us to take a hard look at what we’re doing, where we are, and where we want to go. Some of these details were expressed in a draft of the roadmap that was circulated in April. Since then, we have fleshed out many more details and made a lot of progress on several fronts. Let’s start with the good news and work our way down to the not-so-good.

The Polygon Studios grant is confirmed. Congratulations. This is an incredible show of confidence in our project and our team. We’re honoured and grateful to receive these funds to help us keep going. A truly massive thank you to Ryan Wyatt’s team at Polygon: you will not be disappointed. We look forward to many conversations and a long and very fruitful relationship that leads to new vistas.

We are developing an Official MetabeastZ TCG Rulebook (first in English and eventually a multi-language edition). This is no ordinary PDF or Gitbook. Yes, it will be those things, but it will also exist as a run of highliy limited edition NFTs and the first of its kind in this space. Minting one will also entitle you to receive a finely crafted and incredibly rare print copy of the first edition rulebook that’s mailed to you. The NFT will also offer special utilities. A separate Medium article will be published that outlines the tokenomics and functionality. We solicited some feedback about the rulebook on our Telegram, but if you have some thoughts to share, reply here or connect with us on our other channels. As of this writing, a draft of the content is complete, artwork has been commissioned, and professional formatting is underway.

Our team will be resuming Metapub Nights again soon. Admittedly, attendance was low the last few times, but we’re still testing the format out. Also, a considerable amount of work has been done since our last AMA and we’re keen to share more specifics and spend time with our devoted community members and investors.

We’re delaying the launch of our marketplace. Honestly, we take no pleasure in making this announcement because a working version of the exchange/marketplace has been complete for some time. That said, our development strategy has changed due to market conditions so we’ve had to make some difficult decisions. Rest assured, it is still on our roadmap and will eventually be deployed with the appropriate pomp and circumstance.

Regrettably, some of our not-yet announced partners have either disappeared or been forced to renege on their initial commitments. It kind of sucks but it’s understandable given what’s going on. Still, we’re optimistic about their abilities to bounce back, and we’ll be waiting to realize our original plans when the time comes. Our aim is to grow a base of eclectic and complementary partners that will help take MetacosmiX to new orbits. In other words, we haven’t forgotten about the need to forge partnerships and conversations are constantly going on.

The MetabeastZ TCG development was heavily disrupted due to the ongoing war on/in Ukraine because our project lead and gamedev team were based in Kyiv. It took us a while to find replacements and get them caught up. We’re happy to report we’ve been working with a new developer for about four weeks that is fully doxxed, and we’re pleased with the progress. We’re in capable hands again.

As a small distraction to this truly shitty market, we’re unveiling a new MetabeastZ card that will be part of the base set. Cherish it, fam. In the meantime, most of us are checking the main chat regularly so drop us a line to say what’s up or if you have any questions. We plan to share lots more in the coming weeks.

Be well and stay safe,

Team MetacosmiX

Official channels: MetacosmiX website, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, and Tik Tok.




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